Thank you for our first month!

WildFlyer Mead Company has now been officially open on Fridays and Saturdays for a month. We have made it through four whole weekends! We’ve experienced some stifling heat, almost no progress on our new building, and now even a mead tank catastrophe in the cold room….However, we have had the opportunity to meet and interact with some amazing people who have been kind enough to try our meads, and even pay us money for it! Speaking as someone who has always just worked behind a desk for the man, it’s a pretty humbling experience to have someone pay you for a product you have made.

It’s exciting to be able to utilize the time we are spending in our temporary space in the honey house to be able to experiment with meads and gauge people’s reactions to our products. I love to be able to watch facial expressions when people take their first sip. People are usually pretty polite when asked what they think, but it’s rare for someone to fake their facial expressions. Oftentimes brutal honesty. But it’s the best feedback I can get.

The point is to say that I appreciate everyone who has supported us over these past four weekends, and I look forward to be able to continue to share our meads with new people. The goal is to release a new mead every weekend….although if you reread the first paragraph, that may not happen this week. Don’t worry, though, we still have plenty to offer! And I think the Imperius will still be salvageable.
